I am going to be a Sagehen!
The Pitzer mascot is shared with Pomona, and is called Cecil Sagehen, to be specific. I'll attend basketball games singing songs like "When the Sagehen Chirps", no joke. But anyway, I'm going to work full time at Tropika over the summer, and I've accepted another tutoring job. Depending on my schedule, I may get another summer job, say, on in the morning or late at night, like sean's old Kohl's job. I'm also planning on getting a job at Pitzer at the library or Gold Student Center (pay is supposed to increase to $8.00 over the summer) so that the debt won't be quite so much. Hey, anything is good! So yeah... it's nice knowing that i have a future. I feel relieved and elated. Go sagehens!

"I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky,
Like a tiger, defying the laws of gravity,
I'm a racing car passing by, like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go, go, go, There's no stopping me!
Burning through the sky, yeah!
Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me mister farenheit,
I'm traveling at the speed of light"
-Don't Stop Me Now, byQueen. Sorry, just what's stuck in my head right now.
love kim